EPA Announces 2019 Federal Facility Excellence in Site Reuse Awards
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EPA Announces 2019 Federal Facility Excellence in Site Reuse Awards
WASHINGTON — July 11, 2019 – Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is announcing the winners of the second annual “National Federal Facility Excellence in Site Reuse” awards. These awards recognize the innovative thinking and cooperation among federal agencies, states, tribes, local partners, and developers that have led to noteworthy restoration and reuse of federal facility sites under the Superfund program.
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“Expediting the cleanup and redevelopment of Superfund sites, including those owned by the federal government, is a top priority of the Trump Administration,” said EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler. “These awards highlight the successes we have achieved through working cooperatively with our federal, state, and local partners to restore properties in a manner that protects public health and serves as a catalyst for economic growth and community revitalization.”
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“The Denver Federal Center is a shining example of how a contaminated federal site can be transformed into a thriving and high-functioning federal property that hosts the largest concentration of federal workers outside of Washington D.C.,” said Regional Administrator Gregory Sopkin.
The Federal Facility Excellence in Site Reuse Awards cover four categories of federal facilities: (1) National Priorities List (NPL) sites, (2) NPL Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) sites, (3) non-NPL BRAC sites, and (4) non-NPL sites. This year’s award winners are:
NPL Award: Fernald Preserve, Ohio
The 1,050-acre former U.S. Department of Energy uranium processing facility is now home to an undeveloped park, encompassing 140 acres of wetlands, 350 acres of prairies, and 400 acres of forest. The preserve employs 33 full-time employees to meet its mission.
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NPL BRAC Award: Former Naval Air Station Cecil Field, Florida
The 17,225-acre former Navy air station now hosts the Cecil Airport, which serves corporate aircraft, general aviation, air cargo, and National Guard and Reserve aviation operations, as well as the City of Jacksonville’s Cecil Commerce Center, which is home to more than 31 million square feet of commercial and industrial space. Cecil Airport and the Cecil Commerce Center have had significant impact on job creation and economic development in the Jacksonville area. Today, more than 6,225 people are employed at both Cecil Airport and facilities in the Cecil Commerce Center.
Non-NPL BRAC Award: Former Myrtle Beach Air Force Base, South Carolina
The 3,936-acre former Air Force base is now home to Myrtle Beach International Airport; over 1,200 new homes; a dozen parks; walking paths and sporting facilities; a golf course; a college; a new technology and aerospace business park; and a centerpiece commercial district called The Market Common, which features various shops, and restaurants. This redevelopment project has had a large economic impact on Horry County by employing 25,781 people, and providing $2,972,700,000 in annual economic activity and $119,872,710 in annual tax revenue.
Non-NPL Award: Denver Federal Center, Colorado
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The former 640-acre munitions site is now home to the Denver Federal Center, which hosts 27 federal agencies with over 6,250 employees, making it the largest concentration of federal workers outside of Washington DC. Other portions of the property include a light rail station, bus terminal, large hospital, and medical offices.
EPA has ongoing cleanup and property transfer responsibilities at 174 federal facility NPL sites across the country, which are some of the largest and most complex sites within the Superfund program. The Trump Administration has made the Superfund program a top priority to advance the agency’s core mission of protecting human health and the environment. EPA’s Superfund Task Force is working to promote redevelopment and reuse of sites by encouraging investment in reuse outcomes. The federal facility sites receiving resuse awards serve as examples of the types of site investment that can occur at sites owned by federal agencies.
For more information about these award winners, please visit https://www.epa.gov/fedfac/2019-national-federal-facility-excellence-site-reuse-awards
For more information about cleanups at federal facilities, please visit www.epa.gov/fedfac
For more information about the Superfund Task Force, please visit: https://www.epa.gov/superfund/superfund-task-force
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