Google快讯 – incinerator


实时更新 2021年8月4日

HICLOVER is growing brand for environmental protection field, and market share with most of Africa, Middle East, Southeast Asia countries and part of North America, Europe territory. We are trusted partner for governmental organizations, non-profit organizations, international contractors, logistics organizations, military, pet cremation business owners, etc. We have export experience more than 40 countries, including war zone like Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, South Sudan. Mobile: +86-13813931455(WhatsApp) Website: Email: Email:

Ocean City's city council voted Monday night to renew the town's contract with waste incinerator Covanta over the objections of environmentalists, …

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The Eastcroft incinerator has a track record of exceeding on air pollution limits and has released up to 450 times the legal amount of toxins. It is also …

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He says, “The proposed incinerator in Westbury will have an impact far beyond this small town in the shadow of the historic White Horse. “The pollution …

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Dear Sir, The application is for an incineration plant at Merchant Park, Heighington Lane. If approved, the plant will treat clinical and hazardous waste.

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AN explosion at a waste incineration plant in Leverkusen, Germany, last week, which resulted in five deaths, two others missing, presumed dead, and …

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Melksham Town Council lends its support to stop incinerator … decision made by Wiltshire Council to allow a “carbon-belching” waste incinerator to be …

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A LOCAL artist has produced two eye-catching pieces of art as a protest against the controversial plan for an incinerator in Westbury. Charles Minty …

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A study published by the Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives pins low recycling rates in U.S. cities squarely on hard-to-recycle plastics that are …

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Cllr Kettlety added, “Circumstances have changed and the incinerator proposal will increase traffic problems four-fold. Traffic will also increase with …

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L'incinérateur de Fort-de-France, qui est le seul centre de traitement des déchets ouvert durant la grève au SMTVD, tourne à plein régime. L'usine …

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