Incinerador de desechos médicos, 50 a 60 kg / h Apoyo Proyecto de apoyo al sector de la salud Punto de instalación (hospitales) Hospitales de Moi Voi, Makindu, Maragua, Eldama Ravine e Isiolo District 1. Descripción general Suministro, entrega, instalación y puesta en servicio de un incinerador de residuos médicos apto para la eliminación de […]
Incinerador de desechos médicos, 50 a 60 kg / h Apoyo Proyecto de apoyo al sector de la salud Punto de instalación (hospitales) Hospitales de Moi Voi, Makindu, Maragua, Eldama Ravine e Isiolo District 1. Descripción general Suministro, entrega, instalación y puesta en servicio de un incinerador de residuos médicos apto para la eliminación de […]
Incinerador de desechos médicos, 50 a 60 kg / h Apoyo Proyecto de apoyo al sector de la salud Punto de instalación (hospitales) Hospitales de Moi Voi, Makindu, Maragua, Eldama Ravine e Isiolo District 1. Descripción general Suministro, entrega, instalación y puesta en servicio de un incinerador de residuos médicos apto para la eliminación de […]
Suministro, Instalación y Puesta en Marcha de INCINERADORES DIESEL Incinerador de desechos médicos, 100 a 120 kg / h Solicitud Para incineración, general y patológica Capacidad 100 C 120 kg / h velocidad de combustión Tipo Tipo de dos cámaras de combustión; tipo de aire de combustión primaria y secundaria, controlada / forzada con una […]
Tamaño: 940 x860x2700 milímetro Material: PILA DE ACERO INOXIDABLE, REVESTIMIENTO DE HORMIGÓN REFRACTARIO MATERIAL DE AISLAMIENTO ESPECIAL Con quemador: 15 C 20 KW Temperatura: CÁMARA PRIMARIA = 800 ° C Y CÁMARA SECUNDARIA = 850 – 1200 ° C Generación de calor suficiente para una combustión segura y completa 600-800 ° C en la primera […]
Suministro, Instalación y Puesta en Marcha de INCINERADORES DIESEL Incinerador de desechos médicos, 100 a 120 kg / h Solicitud Para incineración, general y patológica Capacidad 100 C 120 kg / h velocidad de combustión Tipo Tipo de dos cámaras de combustión; tipo de aire de combustión primaria y secundaria, controlada / forzada con una […]
CMC Services for Inclinators for 3 years including all spares, consumables, Skilled Manpower, tools and tackles all complete. As per Scope attached as Annexure Design, Manufacture, Supply, delivery to site, installation, testing & commission of All weather proof Passenger Inclinators in accordance to the Scope and outline specifications mentioned in AnnexureSpesifikasi Incinerator 100kg/jam Spesifikasi dan Daftar Material Dimensi dan Power Capacity Nama Barang : INCINERATOR Type / Model : PWR-INC-KMN 10 Kapasitas : 100kg/Jam (1 m3) Length : 288 cm Width : 147 cm Height : 163 cm Height of Chimney std : 700 cm TOTAL WEIGHT : 8000 kg Panel – timer : Digital Included Auto Alarm Finishing : Hot endured paint Fuel tank : 200 Liter Covering Element from steel : 3-8mm Banyaknya Burner : 2 pcs Banyaknya Blower : 2 pcs Max. Fuel consumption : 15-30 Liter/Jam Max. Elektric consumption : 1100 Watt Bahan bakar : Kerosene / Diesel (solar) Voltage : 220 V / 1 phase / 50 Hz Material 1. PANEL CONTROL Type : Digital Buatan : Local KAMINE ( Panel dan Incinerator satu Merek) Voltage : 220 V / 1 phase / 50 Hz Safety operator : Emergency Stop System : Microkontroller Pengoperasian : Semi Automatic Temperatur control : Digital Coupler Type Control panel : Manual dan automatic Tipe : Self Standing Type / Wall Mounted Type Material : Mild steel Thermocontrol : 2 (Dua) 1200 ºC Set of timer : 0- 2 jam […]
CMC Services for Inclinators for 3 years including all spares, consumables, Skilled Manpower, tools and tackles all complete. As per Scope attached as Annexure Design, Manufacture, Supply, delivery to site, installation, testing & commission of All weather proof Passenger Inclinators in accordance to the Scope and outline specifications mentioned in AnnexureSpesifikasi Incinerator 100kg/jam Spesifikasi dan Daftar Material Dimensi dan Power Capacity Nama Barang : INCINERATOR Type / Model : PWR-INC-KMN 10 Kapasitas : 100kg/Jam (1 m3) Length : 288 cm Width : 147 cm Height : 163 cm Height of Chimney std : 700 cm TOTAL WEIGHT : 8000 kg Panel – timer : Digital Included Auto Alarm Finishing : Hot endured paint Fuel tank : 200 Liter Covering Element from steel : 3-8mm Banyaknya Burner : 2 pcs Banyaknya Blower : 2 pcs Max. Fuel consumption : 15-30 Liter/Jam Max. Elektric consumption : 1100 Watt Bahan bakar : Kerosene / Diesel (solar) Voltage : 220 V / 1 phase / 50 Hz Material 1. PANEL CONTROL Type : Digital Buatan : Local KAMINE ( Panel dan Incinerator satu Merek) Voltage : 220 V / 1 phase / 50 Hz Safety operator : Emergency Stop System : Microkontroller Pengoperasian : Semi Automatic Temperatur control : Digital Coupler Type Control panel : Manual dan automatic Tipe : Self Standing Type / Wall Mounted Type Material : Mild steel Thermocontrol : 2 (Dua) 1200 ºC Set of timer : 0- 2 jam […]
Size: 940 x860x2700 mm Material: STAINLESS STEEL STACK, REFRACTORY CONCRETE LINING SPECIAL INSULATION MATERIAL With burner: 15 C 20 KW Temperature: PRIMARY CHAMBER = 800°C AND SECONDARY CHAMBER = 850 – 1200° C Sufficient heat generation for secure and complete combustion 600-800 °C in the first chamber and >1000 °C in the second chamber Easy transportation on standard EURO-pallets Constructed in a modular fashion easy on-site movement and assembly with a minimum of equipment and technical skills; For the destruction of problematic waste like sharps, amputates and body parts, wet or moist matter; Off-gas quality: moderate smoke emissions during one quarter of the total incineration time; no visible emission during three quarters. AS PER INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS The remaining ash approximately 5-10% in weight and below 1% in volume of the original waste AS PER INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS Chimney height at least 5 m above the incinerator 5m ABOVE FROM THE GROUND Temperature resistance of the lining at least 1,200 °C
Size: 940 x860x2700 mm Material: STAINLESS STEEL STACK, REFRACTORY CONCRETE LINING SPECIAL INSULATION MATERIAL With burner: 15 C 20 KW Temperature: PRIMARY CHAMBER = 800°C AND SECONDARY CHAMBER = 850 – 1200° C Sufficient heat generation for secure and complete combustion 600-800 °C in the first chamber and >1000 °C in the second chamber Easy transportation on standard EURO-pallets Constructed in a modular fashion easy on-site movement and assembly with a minimum of equipment and technical skills; For the destruction of problematic waste like sharps, amputates and body parts, wet or moist matter; Off-gas quality: moderate smoke emissions during one quarter of the total incineration time; no visible emission during three quarters. AS PER INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS The remaining ash approximately 5-10% in weight and below 1% in volume of the original waste AS PER INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS Chimney height at least 5 m above the incinerator 5m ABOVE FROM THE GROUND Temperature resistance of the lining at least 1,200 °C