Tag: said

The very first of many public meetings regarding the disposal of over 15 million pounds of M6 propellant in Camp Minden drew close to 150 concerned officials and citizens to the Minden Civic Center Thursday night. There, they learned the arrangement reached between the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Army, that will finance […]
The very first of many public meetings regarding the disposal of over 15 million pounds of M6 propellant in Camp Minden drew close to 150 concerned officials and citizens to the Minden Civic Center Thursday night. There, they learned the arrangement reached between the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Army, that will finance […]
PESHAWAR: Based on information gathered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 15 to 20 tons of hospital waste is made every day in the provincial capital alone. Nearly half of the total waste is recycled while the remainder is accumulated by the Peshawar Development Authority (PDA). LRH “To be truthful, we have one incinerator which […]
ADJUMANI. For the past four months, support staff in the hospital have been dumping medical waste within the enclosure of the incinerator rather than burning it. The hospital administrator, Mr Michael Ojja, told Daily Monitor on Wednesday the incinerator resigned because of continuous burning of collected waste from the hospital. “The waste has grown due […]
The Bangor Borough Authority won’t market the prior incinerator property. Not right now, at least. The board voted Thursday day to encourage authority Chairman Donald Butz’s Oct. 2 letter into borough council President James Kresge that said the authority need to not market the incinerator and the surrounding home now identified together as the Bangor […]
In assessing these options, the U.S. military held the assumption that the present dumpsite situated at Puntan Diablo on Tinian — the area where the Chinese team of investors is planning to develop in an integrated resort — will be closed and that a transfer station has been considered. MARFORPAC environmental specialist Sherri Eng said […]
Metro Vancouver is taking more heat over its strategy to build another garbage incinerator, with a new study commissioned by waste firm Belkorp Environmental Services suggesting the move could cost up to $1.3 billion more than expected. The analysis, conducted by ICF International on behalf of Belkorp, comes as Metro Vancouver attempts to take care […]
“Their engineers usually go out to help with installation but as a result of the Ebola threat, engineers employed by aid organisations and agencies are being sent to be trained up at the plant in Canning Road Industrial Estate rather than Mr Niklas added:”They contacted us when the outbreak started a few months ago. But […]