what’s Incinerator

what’s Incinerator

incineration equipment to burn material you want to burn. most of time,
Incinerator for waste burning, including solid waste, liquid waste and gas
waste. the Incinerator fuel including oil, gas, coal, wood, etc. the fuel
function for start burn, keep waste burn or only keep burn itself to get high
temperature. Incinerator request
1/2/3/more Incinerator chamber, the
first chamber for waste and some time, there are 2 even if 3 first
chamber(first chamber union) for waste. the senondary chamber for the gas/smoke
from first chamber and the function for enviromental protection. the part is
necessary because we not only burn the waste, but also for the result we burn
the waste. for large capacity Incinerator, after the 1/2/3 combustion chambers,
there are some part for emission treatment, this are not burning parts, they
are only for smoke treatment. the function including Desulfurization, Deacidification,
Ash remove, Defogging, Heat recovery, Production hot water, Hot gas for waste
pre-dry, etc. at the end, the smoke will output in to environment.